Proyectos de oficinas

Diseño diáfano y funcional, que transmite los valores de innovación de la marca.
Lk Bitronik
A workspace open and functional with an attractive aesthetic.
Oficinas Trade Barcelona vilablanch

Trade Offices / Barcelona

The four towers of the Trade building, the work of the great Josep Antoni Coderch, form one of the most emblematic sets of offices in Barcelona. Inside one of these towers, the vilablanch studio has carried out the total transformation of some offices: from old and compartmentalized offices, to open, multi-purpose and contemporary style offices.  
Coworking Eixample vilablanch
vilablanch participates in the creation of a coworking located in the heart of Eixample. 600 m2 of functionality and design, with connection and disconnection areas.

Офисы Mediapro / Барселона

Открытая рабочая зона, динамичная и с особым характером